A short tribute to Tony Benn.

Tony Benn has died today, there’s nothing I can add or say
To the many tributes already paid
And the criticism that’s been made
He was a maverick and a socialist
And by the Left he’ll be surely missed
A republican who wanted change
And to withdraw Britain from the world stage
He served in government for a while
Gave us Concorde and the post office tower
‘The white heat of technology’ was the phrase
He was a bit of a conundrum in the moral maze
He wanted to take Labour further left
Seeing free market economics as just plain theft
The gang of four formed the SDP and Tony Benn could never be
The Labour leader and PM although if he had
Britain would have totally changed for the good or bad.

Written. 14th March 2014.

Anthony Wedgewood Benn.

Anthony Wedgewood Benn.

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