Come Friendly Bombs, Parts 1 & 2.

Come friendly bombs and fall on me
Come friendly bombs from over the sea
Come, come, come friendly bombs

We’re tired now but still in hiding
Even though it is spring
Come, come, come friendly bombs

You’ll find no enemy fighters here
Just imported TV, repeats of Top Gear
Come, come, come friendly bombs

We always welcome foreign aid
But we seem to get sent a hand grenade
So come, come, come friendly bombs

Come friendly bombs and fall on me
Our government stays in place while we flee
So come, come, come friendly bombs.

Come friendly bombs and fall on me
Come friendly bombs from over the sea
Come, come, come friendly bombs

We have ISIS now Hussein has gone
The peace replaced by another bomb
Come, come, come friendly bombs

They want to create an Islamic State
Another hostage dead and evermore hate
Come, come, come friendly bombs

“No boots on the ground” you won’t commit
You might do now they’ve killed a Brit
So come, come, come friendly bombs

Come friendly bombs and fall on me
You gave us civil war, you said we’d be free
Come, come, come friendly bombs.

May & October 2014.


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