And the list goes on.

Worse thing I ever did was start to drink
Second worse thing, take up women
Third worse thing, take up smoking
Best thing I ever did was take up thinking
Although that too is an addiction
And in some minds, a bad one also.

Much easier to let others think for you
Dream and imagine for you
Have ideas for you
Shop for you
Tell you what clothes to wear
When… and when not to care
What thoughts and feelings to share
And the list goes on.

Worse thing I ever did was fall in love
It only lasts a while
Then you get caught up
With demands on your time
The bitching and backbiting
One moment all doe eyed
And the next minute fighting
Although that too is an addiction
And in some peoples view a slight mental breakdown.

You want to concentrate on making money
Forget the booze fuelled parties
And the super-sexy honey
Concentrate on a career
That’s not to say you shouldn’t have the occasional beer.

Worse thing I ever did was start drinking
Second worse thing, have a girlfriend
Third worse thing, have a smoke
When you are paying £3 a time
It’s no joke.

Best thing I ever did was individuality
And not the follow the herd mentality
Although that too is an addiction
And in football crowds and mob rule a bad one also
To stand alone against a majority view
Is something which too few people do
And the list goes on.

I have yet to get married
When it comes to my turn
I’ll have to be carried
Down the aisle kicking and screaming
I met a man the other day
When he got wed he had no say
Worse thing he did was to take a bride
And now all he does his hide.

What is the moral of this story
In life there is very little glory
You just do what you have to do
And let other people think what they want of you,
And the list goes on.

I hope you have given this due consideration
Consider the facts and come to your own conclusion
Make a life, but have no illusion
We all fail in the end
That’s not to say it wasn’t worth it
The struggle, the aggro, the good times, the sh*t
And when in old age you’ll look back,
And the list goes on.

Written in 2012.


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