A poem from a few years back, I came across it while having a late spring clean.

I was born in a winter month
And you was born in a summer month
That’s why I don’t feel the cold as much
And you enjoy the summers touch
My brother was born in April… Spring
Making him to be a positive thing
Leaping lambs and easter eggs
Tanned women with long browning legs
An ex of mine had autumn blues
Her month, September, and it showed
To counter the dying leaves
She dyed her hair red, it glowed
My eldest brother was born in June
Midsummer day at its height
He likes his shorts and to bear his chest
To drink, row and to fight
June’s hooligans, light nights bring them out
Like gnats and midges all around
For the twins it’s June also born and bred
While us winterlings prefer early bed
Those born in December often complain
“I’m getting one set of gifts”
But with all of the decorations hanging up
No birthday blues, your spirit lifts.

Written, circa 2008.



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